Sunday, October 26, 2014


What can we learn from Mrs. Cassidy?

Computer blasting different technologies
"Absolutely! Technology is not going anywhere, it is here to stay. Teachers need to keep up with the changes in technology." This is the answer given by Mrs. Cassidy, a First grade teacher in Moose Jaw, Canada, when asked by Dr. Strange "do you think every teacher ought to be technological literate?" Technology in the classroom is essential to a student's learning environment. Technology has been in classrooms since the first radio was designed. What future educators need to know is this is not a new concept, just a concept that has been enhanced. In Mrs. Cassidy's class, she uses different techniques to incorporate technology into her students academic journey. Dr. Strange posed the question, "What can we learn from Mrs. Cassidy?"

     In the video Little Kids...Big Potential, Mrs. Cassidy's class gives a tour of the different technologies they use on a daily basis. Her first graders have created blogs. The students stated that they really enjoy writing on their blogs because it helps with writing skills and other people can see it and leave them comments. I am still amazed by the fact that I have a blog. I always wanted to start one. I get so excited when I get comments, so I know how her students feel. I truly can not wait to have my own classroom and start my class blog! Also in the class, Webpages and Wikis are being used in the classroom to aid in research on the internet. The students use Skype to connect to different people from around the world. When the students are done with their work, they are allowed to play games from Mrs. Cassidy's webpage and play Nintendo DS in the classroom. I truly love her classroom design. When I start teaching Health Education, I want to have different health wellness check stations where there is a different technology tool at each station that the students can use. Students will use webpages to research if their readings on each vital sign taken are normal based on national health standards, record their vitals on a separate page, and write a post on their individual blog about their readings. Like Mrs. Cassidy, I would not only have a webpage station, but also a video stations where students can view videos about different health topics based on the vital sign health check. The benefits of having health stations are students will have a solid foundation before entering into the healthcare profession and students will have the basics as to why they must eat healthy and exercise regularly in order to not develop lifestyle diseases. Mrs. Cassidy's use of technologies are so inspiring. I hope my classroom will be just as creative as hers.

     In the first Skype interview between Dr. Strange and Mrs. Cassidy, she expresses that a teacher does not have to know everything about technology all at once. She has gain over ten years of experience using a webpage and blogging. As a future educator, I have learned from Mrs. Cassidy that I must always stay knowledgeable about the changes in technology. I owe it to my students to always present the newest and best style of teaching using technologies. Also, I will definitely implement a class blog. This is where I will communicate with students outside of class and post projects and online quizzes. When faced with impediments, such as cheating on quizzes at home or using the internet for purposes other than class research, I would address the class as a whole. I would reinforce that online quizzes are to be done individually and internet use is for school work not personal use. If the problems continue, I would address the students that were involved and possibly take disciplinary actions.

     Mrs. Cassidy talks about how she keeps her students safe while on the internet. She teaches her students to never use their last name and never post a picture of themselves. She also informs them to not click on ads and stay on websites that she approves. I really like how she would have her students make a different Facebook page so she would not have to see posts not related to school. I am addicted to Facebook so having a page designed strictly for class is a guarantee. I would take Mrs. Cassidy's advice and have my students make a separate one as well. Students, parents, and administrators must know that using technology is a safe and wonderful tool to use and should not be looked at as something scary. To ease parents and administrators concerns, I would stress safety is so important to me and will not be taken lightly!

     In the second and third Skype interviews with Mrs. Cassidy, she talks about where to being when developing a personal network plan. "Do what interest you" is the advice she gave us. She gave the example of how Twitter is life-changing. The more often teachers use it, the more followers they will get. This is so true! Twitter has become a great benefit to me. I have gain several ideas on how to implement project based learning in my future health class by following other health teachers. When asked about how to use technology in Physical Education, Mrs. Cassidy presents the example what if practice needed to be moved and you had to reach all the players. Technology is more than just a computer, it also includes phones. She explains that the coach can text all the players instead of announcing it over the intercom. Being an athletic trainer, I already incorporate this form of technology with my student-trainer staff. When I want to inform my student-trainers of game-day attire, I text them instead of trying to track them down in their classes.

     By using Mrs. Cassidy's approach to the use of technology, I will become a better teacher as well as a better learner. The techniques she uses in incorporating technology are by far well above standards for 21st century teaching. Although I still have plenty to learn about different technologies, I hope to continue to build on the foundation she has established. A 21st century style teacher is what I strive to become!
Kids around a table using Ipads


C4KSummary for October

Kids activities blog

Matthew is a 6th grade reading student in Mrs. Rivera class in Florida. He was asked to summarize the book How to Train a Dragon. He did an excellent job! He was very descriptive with each scene. I introduced myself and told him what class and university I attended. I told him that I especially liked the part where he talked the skullions. Below is the post I left on his blog:

Hi Matthew! My name is Sammi. I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. This is a great post! I really enjoyed reading it. You have given such a vivid and detailed description of the chapter, I want to read the book for myself! I especially liked the part where you described that the skullions can smell miles away. Can you imagine if we all could do that? Have you seen the movie? Have a great school year!


Thomas is a 7th grade student in Mrs. Ripp's class in Madison, WI. For his blog post, he was asked to give his thoughts on changes the school needed. First he asked why can't students wear hats? He asks the question, do teachers need to know their identity or is it for another reason? The second thing he would like to change is not being forced to read books that he doesn't want to read. He gives the example that if students read above their reading level, they will be worse off. His second point to why students should not be forced to read books they don't want to is they will get bored and become distracted. His third and finally change would be to homework. He writes homework is not necessary if it was learned in class. Below is the post I left on his blog:

Hi Thomas! I am a senior student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. I will be summarizing your blog post on my blog post. This was a great post! You did an excellent job! Your ideas were very well written and thoughtful. I especially liked the idea about not having homework. I think if you learned the lesson in class, you shouldn't have to take it home and do more work. I had so much homework when I was in your grade, I couldn't play outside with my friends. Do you have the same problem as I did? I encourage you to tell your teacher about your changes. I hope your school takes your ideas into consideration. Have a great school year!

Deven is a 3rd grade student in Ms. Essenburg's class in Michigan. For his blog post, he was to post an "All About Me" summary. Deven has two sisters, Ayesha and Malina, and one brother, Tej. He says all of his siblings are nice. He has a dog named Rex. His favorite animal is a duck. In my comment, I introduced myself to Deven. I told him I was a student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. I stated I had siblings and my favorite animal is an elephant. I asked him why are ducks his favorite animal. Finally, I told him to have a great school year and keep up the good work! Below is the comment I left:

Hi Deven! My name is Sammi. I am a student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. I really enjoyed reading your post! You did an excellent job! I can tell you really love your brother and sisters. I have one sister, Leisa and two brothers, Derrick and Landon. I don't have any pets but I am sure you enjoying playing with Rex. My favorite animal is an elephant. Why are ducks your favorite animal? Hope you have a great school year Deven! Keep up the good work!


PJ is a 6th grade student in Mr. Somerville's class in Pt. England School Auckland, New Zealand. For his blog post, PJ was asked to describe what he did over the holiday. It seems as through he had a lot of fun. He and his cousins, Kaleb, Dallin and Brigim, made plans to go to the movies to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at 6:40. While they were waiting to leave, they played Call of Duty: Black Ops. After getting to the movies, they each had $20 to spend so they brought lollies, chips, and a drink. He recommended everyone go see the movie because it was good and the theater was full. What was very unique about his post was a graded paragraph rubric that was attached. According to the rubric, he did pretty good, getting a 5 on sentences that were connected and built up the main idea. In my comment, I introduced myself. I told him that he wrote an awesome post. I told him I was into video games and asked him what gaming system he has. I told him thank you for recommending the movie. Based off his enthusiasm, I am definitely going to watch the movie. Below is the comment I left:

Hi PJ! My name is Sammi. I am a student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL United States. I will be summarizing my visit to your blog with a post on my blog on 10/26. This was an awesome post! I really enjoyed reading about how you spent your holiday. I was so inspired by your enthusiasm, I am definitely going to watch the Ninja Turtles movie. Thank you for recommending it. I really liked how you included your graded rubric. Congratulations of getting 3's and 5's. I too am into video games. I have a Wii. What gaming system do you have? Have a great school year PJ! Keep up the good work!

Sunday, October 19, 2014


What Can Teachers and Students Teach Us About Project Based Learning?

Student becomes teacher becomes student

     When a teacher becomes a student, he or she becomes a learner. Teachers must be life-long learners in order to achieve one of the reasons why they chose this profession: to help children achieve their dreams. Learning from students is one of the best ways to accomplish this goal. Dr. Strange posed the question, "What can teachers and students teach us about Project Based Learning?"

     In the video, Seven Essentials for Project Based Learning, by John Larmer and John R. Mergendoller, it gives teachers an insight into what every good project-based learning project needs. For every project to be a great success, Larmer and Mergendoller suggest students must personally behold their work as meaningful. Their second suggestion is each project must fulfill an educational purpose. They list seven essentials that will achieve success and ensure students understand the topic through project based learning.

1) A Need to Know
2) A Driving Question
3) Student Voice and choice
4) 21st Century Skills
5) Inquiry and Innovation
6) Feedback and Revision
7) A Publicly Presented Product

      From this list, I found having a great driving question is essential to getting the students involved. As future educators, we must capture their attention from the start. If the topic is of interest to the students, they will be more inclined to perform to their highest ability. Another key essential point is letting the students have a voice and choice. When the students have more of a voice and a choice in the design of the project, they will put in 100% effort into the project.

      Project based learning (PBL) is the 21st century style of teaching. In Tony Vincent's, Project Based Learning for Teachers, he gives an overview of what PBL is and what it includes for teachers. Mr. Vincent states "project based learning has students working over an extended period of time, answering a driving question, to complete an end product, to share their learning with others." Each project must have a driving question requiring students to collaborate, research, and finally present the project to an audience. Through PBL, students learn to fine-tune skills like critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and career & life. Students have the ability to control the direction of their learning process. This video gave me a true basic explanation of project based learning. I really liked how Mr. Vincent made it simple to understand for future teachers.

Physical Education, each letter represents a word pertaining to PE
      Most future educators (including myself) have not believed that PBL can be incorporated into Physical Education, until now. In Project-Based Learning and Physical Education by Andrew Miller, he states that Physical Education is a place where project based learning can be relevant and authentic. He summarizes the seven essentials for PBL by John Larmer and John R. Mergendoller and gives an example of how the essentials would apply to a PBL for PE. Having projects in PE can meet all standards set forth by the state. These projects can also reach any audience. The payoff for teachers is the engagement of the students and their deeper foundation of the topic. Andrew Miller proclaims "You must give up power in order to empower your students; empower them in their physical education."

      Organic PE is incorporating project based learning into Physical Education. In Mat Pullen's article, he states "the idea of Organic PE is once a basic skill level has been achieved by pupils, the focus goes to application, decision making, leadership and adaptability to further develop the pupil." Incorporating physical skills promotes active lifestyles in students. He describes different stages following a physical literacy model which includes "practical skills, knowledge of rules, confidence and motivation, planning, evaluating, and teamwork". During the project, students are given the chance to apply knowledge of a situation and develop a scheme on how to carry out the plan. At the end, students can generate data analysis to determine their weaknesses and strengths. Just like in the classroom, PE can change from the old way of doing things. This was a great article and it got me excited! I can't wait to try this in my gym!

     Brandon Pflug's Project Based Learning in PE article talks about searching for ideas for project-based learning projects for PE. He comes across a project that meets all the standards stated by the National Association of Sports and Physical Education. This project is great for high school students because it allows them to interact with middle school students. High schoolers are to implement a fitness program that middle schoolers are to continue for themselves. The project is designed to promote healthy living not only during school, but through everyday life. This is another great example of how PBL can be integrated into Physical Education.

     What Motivates Students by Suzanne Ball is an interactive video with kids answering what motivates them and what rewards work for them to continue to do well in class. My favorite answer to what motivates the student is when Emily states she wants to do well so she can take care of her family. This amazes me that she is already thinking about this at her age. I will definitely remember the rewards the students stated in the video. I want to implement them in my classroom, especially the classroom money concept.
Classroom cash with frog, sports, and scholar's theme

Sunday, October 12, 2014


What Can We Learn About Teaching and Learning From Randy Pausch?

     In the video, Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams, Dr. Randy Pausch, a former professor at Carnegie Mellon, gives an inspiring final lecture about how to achieve childhood dreams. He talks about the list of childhood dreams he had and how he was given fortunate opportunities to achieve them. Dr. Strange posed the question, "What can we learn about teaching and learning from Randy Pausch?" With his lecture being so inspiring and his attitude towards life being so contagious, I can say I learned so much and was so inspired, it left me wanting more.

     In his lecture, Dr. Randy Pausch talks about how he gave his students a project-based learning assignment and they exceeded his expectations more than he could have imagined, all deserving an "A" for the rest of the year. He didn't know what other projects to give them to exceed the previous project. He seeks advice from his mentor which tells him not to set limits on his students and expect them to strive higher each time. Setting limits will be a disservice to them. This taught me not to put a cap on what my students can accomplish. I learned I must encourage them to strive beyond their comfort point. Also, I must teach them to always look at their success and evaluate it. The best gift a teacher will ever give a student is not a grade, but self-reflection. This heightens their academic success along with their personal self.
Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams, The Last Lecture by Dr. Randy Pausch at Carnegie Mellon

     Dr. Pausch talks about making learning fun. As an educator, I must never lose the child-like characteristics inside of me. I learned that the younger someone is when he or she learns something, the longer it will stick with them. Dr. Pausch gives the example of playing sports when a child is younger. Parents put their kids into sports not to learn that particular sport, but to learn teamwork, perseverance, and sportsmanship. He calls this concept "head-fake" or indirect learning. He states "the best way to teach someone something is to have them think they are learning something else." As a future educator, I can put this into practice in my classroom. I can place my students into assigned groups, not just to finish the assignment, but to develop social and collaboration skills. Each time they leave my class, I want them to take something away from it that will follow them throughout their life.

     The most important thing I learned from Dr. Pausch's lecture is to never listen to critics. In his lecture, he talks about when he wanted to take a sabbatical from the university to go work at Disney's Imagineers, but his Dean set up a brick wall, making it difficult for him to leave. Dr. Pausch believes brick walls are put into place for a reason. He states "they let us prove how badly we want things." What I learned from this quote is when I want to introduce something new to my principal and she or he may not be for it at first, I must not give up. If I truly feel it will benefit not only my class, but the school as well, I must not get discouraged. This will also allow me to gain experience. Dr. Pausch quotes "experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted." When I want to do something new and innovative that has never been done in a health education classroom, there will be critics saying no I can't and throwing arrows in my back. I must continue to strive for greatness and surround myself with positive people that encourage me. I will take this same approach towards my students. It is up to me as their teacher to show them what it is like to get excited, be happy, and proud about their accomplishments. Randy Pausch inspired many students and colleagues to attain this, but he didn't do it for them. He did it for his living legacies, his children. Enthusiasm is power! This is the best gift I will give to my students.


Students using smartphones in the class to finish classwork


Technology in the classroom is imperative now. There is a major shift in schools allowing students to access school materials by smartphone technology. Everything a student needs is right at their fingertips. As an habitual smartphone user, I believe that there are many great benefits to allowing students to use smartphones with a camera in the classroom. Studies from the Zogby Analytics suggest that students use their smartphone for everything, from personal use to researching things for a class. So why not implement them into classwork? I believe the hesitation of some teachers not using them is due to the fact that phones may become a distraction to the students. A distraction for a student could be a piece of lint in the person's hair in front of them. If students are monitored, they would be less likely to use it for other purposes. By using smartphones with a camera for class purposes, they can learn outside of the brick and mortar.

Schools should set in-depth rules for using smartphones with cameras if they have any reservations about students using them. Most schools are conducted by the way the principal was taught when he or she was in school. Times are changing and we as future educators must always stay ahead. Instead of schools fighting it, they must embrace it. As Dr. Strange puts it, "your students will have lived all their life in a world with smartphones containing cameras." Teachers can't teach without technology, why should students be force to learn without it?


Since cameras have been embedded into smartphones, the quality of them have change drastically. Using a smartphone camera to take pictures of something relevant to the topic in class, will allow students to put pictures with their words. When developing uses for the smartphone camera, teachers should make sure they are following the guidelines set by the Alabama College and Career Ready Standards.

There are many different way that smartphones/tablets with a camera can be incorporated in the Health Education classroom:

- Students can take a picture of their dinner for one week. After that week, the students can present their pictures along with caloric value for each meal. Then the class will vote whether of not the meal was nutritious and healthy or not?

- Using the Board Builder, students would be able to present different disability and premature diseases and show what effect each has on the body

- Students could make an anti-bullying video and play it for the school

- During a field trip, students could take pictures of different issues that are effecting the environment.

- Students can develop PSAs to show to the school on topics such as teen pregnancy, drug use, and underage drinking

- When discussing Communicable Diseases, students can use Popplet to design a web introducing facts on each disease

- During Mental Health week, students can take selfies of the different emotions they felt and explain them to the class

- While in groups, students can video tape the proper way to perform vital assessments

- Students can demonstrate proper techniques in physical activity

- Students can keep a digital journal reflecting on their personal health and why it is important to live a healthy lifestyle for their final grade


C4T #2

Title - I Read Blocked Blogs

In his post about banned reading material, Dr. Scott McLeod gives a passionate comment about how he strongly opposes censorship on books and why he supports students and educators freedom to read any book that is on the banned list.
Censorship causes blindness. READ!
He poses the question, "Does this censorship apply to the blogs and sites that schools filter based on their descriptive category?" Dr. McLeod mentions Banned Books Week was September 21-27. In my comment I stated I truly believe students and teachers should celebrate the right to read. I personally have read 75% of the books on the banned list for schools. I mention that I don't have a distorted view on life or feel uncomfortable after reading books with certain risque topics. "HAVE FREADOM!" Below is the comment I left:

Hi! My name is Sammi. I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Al. I will be summarizing my visits to your blog with a post on my class blog on 10/12/14. My Twitter name is @PoiseRed. Mr McLeod, thank you for bringing this subject to light. I too, oppose censorship of reading material. I do not believe that certain books should be banned in school. I looked over the banned list of books and found that I have read over half of them. It did not give me a distorted view of how things were in the past; nor did it make me feel uncomfortable about certain topics. What some school systems (and parents) should realize is that they are hurting students by not exposing them to how things were in the past. They must not block history. Students have a right to read and I will encourage my students to do just that. Websites, categorize as social media, should not be banned. These tools can be used to gather information for a project or get great ideas to start one. If used in a positive way, these websites and others like it, can enhance a student's academic journey.

Title - Can We Really Call It Learning?

In this post, Dr. Scott McLeod mentions that most students do not remember what they have learned a few weeks after taking a test. He wonders if this is really learning? He poses the question "How much of what students "learn" in school falls into this category?" In my comment, I mention that Dr. Strange calls this type of education "burp-back education."
I study, I take the test, I pass it, I forget what I learnt
I gave the suggestion to always have teachers include a project-based learning assignment so that students will get a deeper knowledge of the class topic. When a test is given they are not memorizing notes, but answering questions based off the project. Below is the comment I left:

Hi! I believe this is not considered learning although, as a Senior student, I am guilty of this. You are right Mr. McLeod, too much of what students are learning falls into this category. My professor, Dr. Strange, of my educational media course calls this type of learning "burp-back education." In order to curb this style of learning , teachers should always include a project-based learning assignment. This will help students have a better knowledge of the class topic. When the test is given, they are not just memorizing notes to pass, but they are answering questions based off the project.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


How Do We All Become Learners?

My Strengths as a Future Health Educator
  1) Extensive knowledge of the subject
  2) Willingness to connect with my students
  3) Overly exciting joy to teach them about health
  4) Ability to bring real-world experience in the classroom
Strengths and Weaknesses keyboard buttons

My Weaknesses as a Health Educator
  1) Discipline and voice quality
  2) Getting too close to the students
  3) Not practicing healthy living, ie not practicing what I teach

As I continue to learn this semester in EDM 310, I am learning more about Project Based Learning and how important it is to utilize technology tools. What I have to accomplish over the next year and a half is to fine-tune my skills on PBL. I need to constantly perform research on potential projects I can assign in my classroom. I want to be able to introduce a project on day one. I also must conquer my weaknesses and turn them into my strengths. The videos that Dr. Strange assigned us to watch will give me more tools to incorporate in my lesson plans.

How to make an audio QR Code
In this video, Mrs. Michele Bennett from Gulf Shores Elementary, explains how to make an audio QR Code. A QR code is a code that has been embedded with information and can be scanned using an device that has camera and a downloaded app. Using the website, this is a new way of recording instead of using the hand held recorder that required a tape. Different ways to use this website include a teacher can record a book and play it back for the class or a teacher can record a lesson and allow the class to listen at home. In order to generate the code, a teacher can go to

iPad in the Reading Center
This video shows iPads being used in a Kindergarten reading center. The iPad is set-up to record the student reading a book. After the student is finished, he or she can replay it and follow along to determine if any mistakes were made. This is a great reading tool and provides the student will enjoyment while learning.

Popplet Logo
Popplet as a Center
In this video, Mrs. Tuck's Kindergarten class is learning to use Popplet in a media station. Popplet is a tool used to make webs after a student has read a book. A web is a collection of pictures with text that gives a summary of the book. Popplet also allows students to practice taking pictures and adding them to the app. After the student has created the web, it is kept on their iPad for future references. This is a great way that students can become interested in photography or writing.

Alabama Virtual Library as a Kindergarten Center
Mrs. Tuck teaches her students how to use the Alabama Virtual Library in this video. She instructs the student to type in a word in the search engine. The search will produce pictures and audio for the student to play back and be able to gather information. Based off what the student has learned and watched, the student will be able to draw a picture and add a sentence describing the picture. By using AVL, students are able to research on their own and be accounted for what they have learned.

How to use and build a Board in DE for a Project Based Lesson
Mrs. Shirley's 1st grade class shows how to use the Discovery Education Board as a Project Based Learning lesson. Her student watched a video about the moon and was able to give written facts about it. Her student then created a board adding images and a video depicting what she learned. This is another great tool for students to do research on their own.

Mrs. Tassin's 2nd Grade Class Part 1
In the first video of Mrs. Tassin's 2nd grade class, two digital learners demonstrate a Discovery Board Builder. These students were able to take a virtual tour of a national park in Alaska. After collaborating with each other, they presented their findings using a SMARTboard. The digital learners saved the images on Safari. This also is an excellent tool to teach students to speak in front of a class.

Mrs. Tassin's 2nd Grade Class Part 2
In the second video of Mrs. Tassin's 2nd grade class, a group of digital learners shared what they learned by using Discovery Education Board for their Project Base Learning presentation. This group is collecting loose change for the Haven, an animal shelter. The resources the students used were Safari and Google for the images and HIPPO to find more extensive vocabulary.

Alabama Virtual Library logo: Connecting You to a World of Knowledge
Using iMovie and the Alabama Virtual Library in Kindergarten
In this video, Dr. Strange, along with Mrs. Michele Bennett and Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, introduces that Kindergarten classes are using iMovie and are really enjoying it. iMovie teaches students how to organize and edit a book trailer. It also helps with their reading and writing skills. The students read a book and organize different pictures from the book and form it into a book trailer similar to a preview movie trailer. iMovie reiterates what students are learning. The teachers also discussed how using the free tool, Alabama Virtual Library, is a great way for teachers to teach their students how to perform basic research. Students are overly enthused to do research individually.

We All Become Learners
In the final video Dr. Strange, Mrs. Bennett, and Mrs. Davis discusses how using technology in the classroom can change the dynamics of learning. Mrs. Bennett states "its teachers teaching students, students teaching students, students teaching us." She gives the example that a student taught her how to take pictures with the iPad using Padlet. Students are eager to teach teachers how to use technology. She also discusses that we are all learners and become learners through our personal network. Teachers should never have the "frame of mind" where they can not learn from their students. Everyone is a learner and we as future educators should never want to stop learning.


Civil War 1863 South vs North

This project gave me my first insight into how to develop a Project Based Learning lesson plan. Dr. Strange wanted us to work collaboratively with our group to practice developing plans for project based learning activities based off standards from ACCRS (Alabama College and Career Ready Standards) and materials found in ALEX (Alabama Learning Exchange). Group 6 focused on 11th grade American History students. We wanted them understand the importance of the Civil War. Each group was given a driving question in order to present different aspects of the Civil War. We wanted them to explore what led to the expansion of the United States; discuss key figures and the roles they played during the battles; establish which border states were in the Union; and examine non militaristic events, for example, how the nation's division effected the economy and social reform in the South post-Civil War. Students were given three weeks to develop a media project along with a PowerPoint presentation. The students were required to use technology and be creative when organizing their project. For our lesson plan, we have included a Project Overview, a Project Calendar, an Essential Element Checklist, and a Group Rubric.


Movie for Parents

Movie for Students